
Chuyên Mục Khác

“Whips hang from the walls, while a box full of dildos

The white stuff is probably the conditioner you used as lube (not too smart of a choice) the red happens the first time to a girl too, so it is normal for is to happen to you. Go ahead and shove that thing back in there. The feeling you had at first wasn your tailbone. […]

29/06/2014 system

Once the temperature drops, you won’t be out of place in a sea

But who is our enemies according to you? The Royal Family? The Imams? These two groups despise each other. The KSA is not merely one unified organization, it is tons of different factions and individuals vying for influence and power. Especially before MBS, it was an incredibly decentralized power system in the country. canada goose […]

28/06/2014 system

Speaking of stupidity and food

4 I stuck to railroad and minutemen. I knew early on I didnt like the BOS and Institute. Both seemed like they wanted their way or the highway. For example, you can use 12 to toggle your idle set between Refresh, Phys damage %, Magic Damage %, and more, so you can just hit F12 […]

26/06/2014 system

This tray can be pulled out but not removed

(Not exactly the same, but relatedly, I’ve had tensions with my mom the past couple of years whenever she makes a negative comment about someone’s appearance or sex life and I ask her not to. (Like for instance, telling me my legs need muscle tone or telling my sister she needs to lose weight. Or […]

26/06/2014 system

Boyle from Brooklyn 99 is my hero

So I went and made a new account, and tried using the same card. Of course I got blocked again. So I then made ANOTHER account, with a VPN, different name, and different card and the purchase went through.. One being Adderall which would imagine do the opposite but it actually made it harder. Always […]

25/06/2014 system

According to the SK hynix website these specific IC are rated

UPF ratings range from 15 to over 50. A UPF value is essentially a ratio: A garment with a rating of 25 lets in one of UV radiation for every 24 it blocks, while a UPF rating of 50 means 49 units are blocked. But it relative: UPF 50 blocks 98 percent of UV radiation, […]

25/06/2014 system