

Trahan is part of the Freshman Working Group on Addiction and

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21/05/2014 system

Everyone who ever got ahead in school didn do it because their

I used to hate spiders, right? But then I moved into my own apartment and yeah okay I tell myself, “There bound to be a spider or two squattin in your new digs, so you just got brace yourself and find the bastards and kill the bastards before anything bad happens” yeah and I says […]

21/05/2014 system

This kit comes in three aromas/flavors

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21/05/2014 system

A party percentage of the vote determines how many seats they

Nintendo simply could not track down every fork of that codebase. Not just for this reason. It not like you can sell fan games legally beach dresses, after all.. Like sunscreen, sun protective clothing is a product used to prevent sunburn. Unlike normal summer clothing which typically includes light colored fabrics and loosely fitting cotton […]

20/05/2014 system

Instead of smoky nightclubs, there are abandoned hotels, where

So, my boss here at SexIs sent me an email about decorating dildos and I was all, “Umwhat?” and you could practically hear the exasperated sigh from her and she was all, ” Remember? You agreed to decorate a dildo for a post to remind people to stop by our suite at Blogher so that […]

18/05/2014 system

You really get the feeling of going “balls deep” in this

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18/05/2014 system